AccurA's Brexit Mission Statement to our Customers
AccurA Diamond have been sourcing products from European Manufacturers for the past number of years to reduce the effects of Brexit and the Baggage which comes with it.
In 2015, we realised we were heavily reliant, by up to 70% on UK Suppliers. Brexit uncertainty wasn't helping and with Sterling at an all-time high in 2016 we had to change. Sterling Differentials coupled with an uncertain Brexit outcome made us look further afield. We now only import 5% direct from the UK.
We have maintained a healthy relationship with our UK Suppliers and some cases bonded and amalgamated our resources to buy better and compete with the Larger Groups within the Diamond Tools Industry. In turn keeping distribution channels to a minimum ensuring passage of goods without hindrance.
There is no doubt there will be some negative effects if there is no agreement. The problem is no one knows what is going to happen and we can only make contingency plans based on hypothetical situations.
AccurA Diamond only export a small portion of our products to the UK but we have a great presence in Northern Ireland with a Loyal Customer base.
Some of our products may have to pass through the UK we will not be immune. There may be those who will use any outcome as an excuse to raise prices and it is likely that costs will rise. Our aim will be to look after our customers, ensuring continued supply of Quality Diamond Products and mitigating as far as possible any increases.
AccurA Diamond Tools Management.