Europes Largest Diamond Tools Showroom Now Open
Well, we've have just about completed our Extensive Refurbishment and Expansion of our Showroom in Parkwest, Dublin.
We have a lot of people to thank for their input and influence on this project, which has added to its success.
We also thank our customers and unwavering and dedicated staff who have been patient, although we did our best not to inconvenience anyone.
Special mention and our sincere thanks
- John Ryan
- Alan Mccarthy
- Anthony Doody
- Declan Farrell
- Tom O'Loughlin
- Trevor Kieran
- Punctual Print
- Michael Slepko
- John N Brady
- Derek Harris
- Ray Waterhouse
- Anto Kemple
- Mark Devignat
We now have the room to display our multiple products correctly and with a flowing thought process which joins and separates products into definitive categories to give the customer a pleasant and efficient service.
We have gained additional storage allowing us to take in more stock to keep up with these both challenging and demanding times.
We offer a warm welcome on your return, with our well-known hospitality and Buoyant Atmosphere continuously offered in AccurA Diamond Tools.
This Showroom is Unique, there is no Showroom of this calibre in Europe dedicated to Diamond Tools and associated tooling accessories.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Brian Brady
Mananging Director
086 882 1234 / 01 6105055
#accuradiamond #Bestindiamondtools #parkwest #dublin #ireland #d12xy32 #prouserschoice #accuracentreofexcellence #accura #diamondtools